We plan, and coordinate activities carried out on our own or through the social base for families and students in the 6/19 age bracket. We pay particular attention to the implementation of projects on STEAM themes, school-work alternation actions, and projects to support the implementation of the educational offer plans of schools.

The project intends to promote the overcoming of personal, cultural, social and behavioural vulnerabilities of minors (5-14) and their families through the creation of an open school context, to be used by the family and the whole formal and informal education system of the territory, which uses innovative methodologies and resources for STEM education in a logic of prevention of educational poverty. To this end, it adopts a circular intervention strategy that will move from the national level down to the local contexts and back to the national level at the end of the project.

A National Working Group is developing new educational strategies to experiment locally with local partners through the creation of a network of 13 academic centres, understood as a physical place based in the school and open to the whole community, also during out-of-school hours: the STEM*Labs, activated in the areas identified for experimentation in Piedmont, Lombardy, Campania and Sicily.


SPACE*Lab is a project supported by the Presidency of the Council of Ministers – Department for Equal Opportunities to introduce young girls to STEM disciplines. Based on the use of informal methodologies, the workshop involved two groups of girls from the fourth and fifth classes of the primary school of the Gabelli and Leonardo da
Vinci Institutes in Turin. Together with experts from the planetarium in Turin, the girls were able to experience a hypothetical trip to Mars, tackling issues relating to energy, movement, and the other main challenges facing Earth’s inhabitants on this crucial mission. At the end of the course, the girls also had the opportunity to discuss and debate with those dealing with these issues in person, thanks to the participation from Brussels of Manuela Aguzzi, an instructor from the European Space Agency (ESA).


SPACE*Lability, financed by Fondazione CRT’s Vivo Meglio call for proposals, responds to the need to a re-signify disability, counteracting the stereotype of a condition
of dependency and inefficiency, and at the same time to the market for girls and boys (disabled and non-disabled) to represent themselves and communicate, overcoming constraints and schemes in which they do not have their vision of reality and overcoming the fear of not being listened to and appreciated. In this context, the project introduces Tinkering, a frontier approach to STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics) education and a powerful tool for building 21st- century competencies: creativity, innovation, critical and systemic thinking, resilience, entrepreneurship and flexibility.

This and other innovative educational approaches based on the use of technology and digital technology will be at the heart of the experimental workshops proposed to the students involved, who will work in mixed disabled and able-bodied teams to explore space themes.

The project aims to improve STEM education for 700 students, combating educational poverty in disadvantaged areas of the city of Milan that report the lowest income per capita in the city, with inequality among students due to the high number of non-natives students (about 70%).
The contribution is used to purchase all the material for the STEM trunks, train teachers, organize workshops with professional educators and take students to visit BASE Marte at the Museum of Science and Technology in Milan.
All this thanks to the grant that was assigned to the Kairos Consortium by the technological company 3M.
Period: December 2022 – September 2023

We design and organize compulsory training programs and projects and develop skills mainly in favour of the associated realities. On request, we carry out courses and training projects for third-party companies, mainly on impact measurement and social innovation issues.

Following the changes introduced by the Covid-19 health emergency, it has proved necessary to rethink the processes and organization of work and above all the skills present in the company. Skills for the restart offered a highly customized training plan based on the company’s needs and the real needs of employees, in order to develop new skills and achieve company objectives. The course involved 3 employees, for a total of 180 hours of training, linked to the following topics: Social media for Cooperation, Gender gap, Social planning to combat educational poverty, Social impact assessment techniques and methodologies. The certification of skills was produced by En.F.A.P. Piedmont.



We deal with research and development, starting from best practices developed at the local and national levels. We are a certified body for adult education at Erasmus + level.

The project aims at improving youth workers’ skills in designing multidisciplinary educational activities for young people by integrating different methodologies thanks
to the application of the creativity-oriented PERSE pedagogical approach to work
with STEAM disciplines. For this reason, our project aims to promote the creation and sustainable development of innovative youth workers who can serve as ‘social bridges’ between the educational, cultural and creative sectors across Europe. Through a unique experiential learning method that will merge art, research and technology-based learning, they will be able to co-design with artists, scientists, educational institutions, museums engaging educational activities for young people to stimulate their creativity while experiencing connections between different disciplines and enforcing the development of their key competences.


Watch the Multiplayer Event, realized thanks to the contributions of all the partners, we have reviewed the results of our project dedicated to educational methodologies for young people >> Video

SPACE*Lab – Youth Education to Space Careers – develops an innovative methodology and new teaching practices for primary schools to promote interest and excellence in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM). It’s addressed to students aged 6-14 in order to encourage them towards the new space careers, supporting teachers and school staff, including educators, to enhance their expertise with more involving approaches.

The project aims to stimulate and secure a long-standing partnership between civil society, represented by 3 NGOs, and the wider EU school community, creating an adaptable and flexible learning environment for future local policies.

Indeed, SPACE*Lab supports the promotion of STEM strategies in the national contexts involved, in particular with the schools in Greece, Cyprus, Spain and Italy and indirectly with the associated schools involved in Germany and Slovenia.

The second aim is to overcome the barriers faced by students, with migrant backgrounds or socio-economic difficulties or belonging to minorities, in accessing opportunities. Therefore it will contribute to creating more inclusive spaces to foster equity and equality and promote STEM for all.


DESIRE – Designing the Irresistible Circular Society was born in the context of the New European Bauhaus initiative, launched by the European Union to spread the culture of the European Green Deal among citizens. DESIRE is one of six “lighthouse demonstrators” projects, operating on 8 urban spaces and neighborhoods (“living labs”) of 6 different European countries (Denmark, Italy, Latvia, Slovenia and the Netherlands) with the aim of creating more sustainable, inclusive and beautiful urban spaces, and engage citizens and stakeholders in the green transition at the local level.

The 24 partners involved focused on three challenges: the creation of forms of inclusive housing; the “symbiotic relationship” between art, design and architecture in the transformation of urban spaces and the related optimization of the use of material flows; “reconciling cities with nature” to design livable habitats and functional ecosystems.

At the end of the two-year pilot period, DESIRE will provide a kit and a learning environment based on the principles of sustainability, inclusion and aesthetics, open to policymakers, companies and individual citizens.


Urbsteam – Teaching STEAM through Urban Garden-Based Learning in the kindergarten is an Erasmus+ project focused on promoting STEAM teaching in kindergartens and kindergartens using practical activities on urban gardens and integrating permaculture values. The main objective of the project is to improve the skills of 150 kindergarten educators on teaching STEAM through urban gardening. The project results include the development of a Best Practice Manual translated into 6 languages, a Toolkit to facilitate the modus operandi and an interactive platform for online learning. Consortium Kairos is leader of PR2, in collaboration with the 5 European partners involved (Akata Makata, EISA, Djecji Vrtic More, STANDO, Utopia Project).


The CoFarm4cities project is funded by the Interreg Central Europe program which encourages environmental sustainability. Together with eight other partners, including the municipalities of several European cities and the University of Turin, the project maps agricultural, mixed or brownfield areas around the city that may be suitable for sustainable land use, thus developing a model of urban farm still unique in our country. Consorzio Kairos develops and tests local and sustainable land use models within Cascina Falchera involving the population of the neighborhood and the surrounding villages.
The project partners are
Óbuda-Békásmegyer Municipality
Municipality of the city of Zagreb
Municipality of the City of Turin
Municipality of the city of Krakow
Municipality of the City of Ljubljana
Institute of Circular Economy
University of Óbuda
COLOMBE – FEE Association


More information:

We have more than twenty years of experience in social inclusion and solidarity actions using innovative approaches to dialogue with individuals in local communities. By sharing the knowledge of its members, we can count on different skills and a wide range of highly qualified professionals working in social innovation projects and services at local, national and community levels. We also have long-standing experience in project management under the ERDF and ESF programs. Our current national and international networks are ENCC – European Network of Cultural Centers, Debating Europe, Torino Social Impact, Confcooperative Piemonte, RAN – Radicalization Awareness Network and National Consortium of Social Cooperation Gino Mattarelli – CGM. KAIROS is also part of the KA1 umbrella accreditation managed by Liberitutti on adult education.

Cascina Falchera is a permanent urban farming project located in Falchera and aiming at supporting local green awareness raising activities for the citizenship in an innovative context composed by a community garden, +5 laboratories for food transformation and STEM activities, an educational farm for children, a social restaurant and a social housing for people in need.


The project, approved by the Ministry and currently being implemented, aims to promote the emergence of irregular working conditions of foreign workers regularly on the territory engaged in agricultural work. This aim is pursued both through the construction of relations with the beneficiaries, their information and the structure of the building of paths to strengthen skills and job placement and by raising the awareness of local communities both at a general level (actions addressed to citizenship) and at a local level targeted on those territorial stakeholders. If they are made aware, they can activate and deploy resources for good sustainable practices in the medium-long term.

In methodological terms, the project is based on Capacity Building to acquire skills that can be used at work and for the local communities related to the dimension of awareness and activation to fight irregular work.


The project aims to strengthen the three citizenship centres operating in the “Case del quartiere” (San Salvario – Via Agliè – Casa nel parco) and wants to intensify the activities carried out, increase the number of people involved in the action, strengthen the connections between the poles also thanks to technology. E-Poli Community intends to disseminate consolidated practices of collaborative and circular economy in the three bars by using the CELO CELO platform. Points of access to related and circular services are activated in every single house in the district (Casa del Quartiere) and technical assistance to facilitate the population in requesting information, documents.
E-Poli is a project financed by the Piedmont Region – Social Innovation Projects for the Third sector.

TILDE is a project carried out by Unione NET with the collaboration of 15 partners and with the contribution of the Compagnia di San Paolo Foundation.

It is active in the Municipalities of Borgaro Torinese, Caselle Torinese, Leinì, San Benigno Canavese, San Mauro Torinese, Settimo Torinese and Volpiano.

The project is aimed at women with minor children who are interested in improving the work-life balance.

More information on the TILDE WEBSITE


We are spokespersons for the development needs of our members. We represent them in the various institutional venues as an institutional lobby and place for synthesis research on the issues of impact economy, civil, everyday goods and hybrid and cohesive enterprise, representing, even when necessary, a place for entrepreneurial synthesis for the benefit of the shareholders who request it.
