
CoFarm4Cities project tries to find an environment-friendly solution for urban sprawl by identifying a sustainable utilization of peri-urban agricultural, mixed-use or abandoned areas and developing a replicable model with stakeholder engagement tools for transforming them into managed land for urban farming in European cities. The challenges the partners are trying to face are related to an increasing market pressure for land use due to urbanization, especially in peri-urban agricultural areas, resulting in biodiversity loss and endangering land fertility and food systems. The answer to these challenges can be found in a new approach of land use based on climate-friendly, nature based solutions to increase cities’ resilience, counteract urban sprawl, regenerate degraded peri-urban areas, preserve biodiversity and strengthen local food systems.
€ 127 K
EU contribution to the Consorzio Kairos
Months project duration
European partners
Budapest III. District Óbuda-Békásmegyer Municipality Hungary (HU), City of Zagreb, City Office for economy, environmental sustainability and strategic planning Croatia (HR), City of Torino (IT), KAIROS Consortium of Social Cooperatives Italy (IT), Municipality of Krakow Poland (PL), City of Ljubljana Slovenia (SI), Institute for Circular Economy Croatia (HR), Óbuda University Hungary (HU), Association DOVES – FEE Slovenia Slovenia (SI).
The project in Torino
As a city partner, Torino will provide assistance to KAIROS in the pilot intervention implementation, will participate in Peer to Peer activities, and will co-develop project output documents and the city-level Action Plan for its Municipality. The pilot site of Torino, Cascina Falchera, is municipally owned. KAIROS has signed a contract to operate the farm for 20 years, therefore will be in charge of the implementation of the city’s pilot intervention. As Torino aspires to transform the Falchera district in terms of social, environmental, and economic sustainability, and to involve local residents in participatory decision-making with a special focus on social inclusion, the pilot intervention will be fully in line with its aspirations. Moreover, in 2016 the City Council approved the plan to support the development of farms geared toward sustainable multifunctionality in terms of social, economic and environmental sustainability. Regenerative urban farming is seen by the City as the way towards sustainable urban land use, delivering healthy and accessible food, building communities, enhancing social employment, and providing health benefits to citizens.
Pratical steps
KAIROS and the Municipality will work together in achieving the best result for the Pilot and for the Citizenship. The goal of the pilot is to preserve agricultural lands against urban sprawl, to bring circular solutions to Falchera’s citizens, and to enhance the social inclusion of vulnerable groups. On Cascina Falchera, KAIROS will establish separate plots for different aspects of urban farming. Firstly, a drip irrigation system-based farm plot will be established, built on the ancient water systems of the Po valley. Secondly, communal plots will be erected with priority access to vulnerable groups. Thirdly, a community farm plot will also be established, cultivated by families living in food poverty, who will be recruited by the City’s Social Services through the Torino Solidale project. Fourthly, plots will be dedicated to cultivation following the Community Supported Agriculture model, which is a sustainable system that reduces waste and creates food production alliances.
- EU contribution to the Consorzio Kairos: € 127.102,80
- Project duration: 36 months
- Partners: 10

This project was funded by the INTERREG CENTRAL EUROPE program under grant contract CE0100253.